
Sourcing from China

By sourcing with China, Globaltech Ventures gains a significant advantage over the competition. Today, quality manufacturing of parts and assemblies is the result of collaboration of efforts by professionals in the United States and Asia. While the cost of manufacturing in China has risen in the past several years, it remains more affordable, which means […]

By |April 25th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Sourcing from China

Summary of Japanese Prototype

Regardless of the part or assembly that needs to be manufactured, a critical step in the production process is prototyping. For simple and complex parts and assemblies, as well as small and large volume runs, prototyping provides a “trial run” of the item to be manufactured.

Globaltech Ventures is a leader in the industry of design, […]

By |February 25th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Summary of Japanese Prototype

India Sourcing

With India sourcing, Globaltech Ventures has the opportunity to provide better service but also improved product to the customer. With maintained partnerships with highly skilled, trained, and dedicated professionals in India, both cost and production time is reduced.

This company has three primary goals to include providing customers with unrivaled service, designing, developing, and manufacturing high […]

By |December 23rd, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on India Sourcing

Benefitting from 3D Printing Suppliers

3D printing technology offers a wealth of benefits. One of the most important benefits offered by working with 3D printing suppliers is the ability to take advantage of a more efficient use of resources. 3D printing, also frequently referred to as additive manufacturing, involves far fewer processing steps than traditional manufacturing processes. It also requires […]

By |December 12th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Benefitting from 3D Printing Suppliers

Bringing a Product to Market with Efficient Product Engineering Services

Product engineering services refers to services included in the process of designing and developing a product or prototype. Such services may frequently include a variety of different aspects, including design, development, and manufacturing. Although a client may, at times, already possess an existing product that requires improvement, product engineering services often encompass every stage of […]

By |December 12th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Bringing a Product to Market with Efficient Product Engineering Services

Superior Quality of Automotive Parts from India

A huge and unfortunate misconception is that products manufactured in India are inferior. In reality, India has some of the most experienced and skilled designers, developers, and manufacturers in the world. This is why the professionals at Globaltech Ventures have established partnerships with highly reputable Indian companies.

Specific to the automotive industry, automotive parts from India […]

By |November 26th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Superior Quality of Automotive Parts from India

Benefits of Automotive Aluminum Castings

Automotive aluminum castings are used in a variety of ways. In fact, this material is ranked as one of the safety, fastest, most environmentally-friendly, and cost-efficient ways to reduce emissions and boost fuel energy. For automakers, aluminum has become the preferred material because of advantages pertaining to environmental and strength.

With so many benefits, companies like […]

By |October 30th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Benefits of Automotive Aluminum Castings

Top Benefits of 3D Printed Prototypes

Prior to a part being mass produced, a prototype is created. This involves one part being made according to specifications and then analyzed and tested to make sure it meets or exceeds customer demand, as well as company and industry standards. If an error is discovered such as wrong dimension or defect, a second prototype […]

By |October 13th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Top Benefits of 3D Printed Prototypes

Introduction to 3D Prototyping

Although new technology has dramatically changed manufacturing processes over the years, one of the most substantial changes is with 3D prototyping. Compared to more conventional methods used to make prototypes of parts, 3D offers a long list of benefits.

With 3D prototyping there is significant cost savings. This technology is extremely precise so even the most […]

By |October 13th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Introduction to 3D Prototyping

Maintaining a Strong Partnership with the Best Prototype Lighting Supplier

With a definite advantage through a strong partnership with the best prototype lighting supplier, Globaltech Ventures offers energy saving lighting solutions for a broad range of industries. Whether the customer needs LED lighting, a retrofit product, lighting controls, or tooling for installation and repair, the company offers outstanding services.

Globaltech Venture works with the best prototype […]

By |September 30th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Maintaining a Strong Partnership with the Best Prototype Lighting Supplier
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